
Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Provocation of the Unit

Studying  Artifacts

Our little historical detectives studied the artifacts they found during the dig and discussed the material it is made up of and what can it be used for. Discussion was done on the difference between archaeologist and historians and their importance. For a clear understanding of the process of archaeology they were shown few videos and power point presentations on archaeology, tools used and different archaeological discoveries. It was a great session. J

Monday, 23 September 2013

Tuning In

Little Historical detectives

Today was a fun day with all our little students acting as historical detectives and digging out things from the field. This activity was to make them understand about the process of archaeology and who are archaeologists and how they work. Students were actually taken through the process of archaeology and difference between archaeologists and historians was explained to them.  They got all sort of different objects while digging the field like old jewelry, artifacts, gems, toys and many more. It was a fulfilling day for all of us with air full of excitement and inquiries.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

UOI- Where We Are In Place In Time

Our new unit – Civilizations
Learning about our history……sounds interesting and fascinating. With all this excitement we have started our second Unit of Inquiry ‘Civilizations’ under the Trans-disciplinary Theme; ‘Where we are in place and time’. We tuned into  the Trans disciplinary  theme  by showing a video ‘The earliest human Migrations’ to the students followed by a discussion on the spread of human population and how people started living together. As a provocation to this unit, students watched videos of ‘Movie 10000 BC trailer’ and ‘History of world in 7 minutes’ followed by a discussion after which students wrote their reflections. Students also watched another video ‘Ancient ideas that shape our lives today’ as the tuning in of the central idea “Ancient civilizations continue to influence our world today after which the students displayed the attribute of being “Thinkers” and were engaged in a dialogue about the importance of respecting the culture they study and how ancient world influence our lives today.
Wow…..what a start!